Rural Crafts

Rural Crafts

Bradkeel Farm provides a unique space in the Sperrin Mountains to partake in sometimes forgotten Rural Irish Craft workshops.  Opportunities are provided throughout the year for people to immerse themselves into the natural world; the landscape; to use imagination; to explore and use materials grown and harvested from the farm; combining these to create products that can be beneficial not only for physical but mental health and wellbeing as well.

Examples of workshops offered:

·      Scone Making

·      Self-sufficiency; grow your own vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers

·      Irish Tree Hedge Planting

·      Wreath Making

·      Jam Making

·      Woodworking

Why Rural Creativity Matters

·      Preservation of culture: Passing on to future generations

·      Brings together people with shared interests

·      Helps individuals to express themselves; sharing stories

·      Used as a therapeutic tool for mental health and wellbeing

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming workshops.  Also, we can facilitate specific workshops for groups or organisations in the community.